UNTITLED (DKNY), 1999 “I started painting over advertisements in 1993. I was living with my parents in Jersey City at the time and the billboards were of Marlboro and Captain Morgan. When I moved to New York in 1996, it was more fashion, like DKNY and Calvin Klein. I’d break into bus shelters and phone booths in my neighborhood, paint over the ads and then put them back in their place. I wasn’t looking to get into fashion, I just wanted to get my work out into the world.”
UNTITLED (HARING), 1997 “My early heroes were people such as Lee Quiñones, Futura 2000, and Blade — graffiti artists from the late 1970s and early 1980s — you’d see them take a name and create a presence for themselves. I don’t consider Keith Haring to be a graffiti artist, but he fell on my radar because of his work on the street and his association with artists including DONDI. In my neighborhood, there was a bus shelter ad for Haring’s show at the Whitney [Museum of American Art] so it was fair game. I loved his democratic approach to making art and how he made it accessible through [his store] the Pop Shop, so painting over his output felt natural.”
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