It was in the report shirt

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Then the doctors must view It was in the report shirt and also pass on to Ai. And help early diagnosis and save lives. Pathologist here, these big journals always makes big claims but the programs are pretty bad still. One day they might, but we are a lot way off imo.  There's always a large discrepancy between the manicured data presented by the scientists and the roll out when they try to translate. Not to say scientists are being dishonest, they just pick the situation their AI or system is absolutely best at and don't go after studies highlighting the weaknesses.

It was in the report shirt, ladies tee, tank top, v-neck

[caption id="attachment_11855" align="alignnone" width="1500"]It was in the report ladies tee ladies tee[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_11858" align="alignnone" width="1500"]It was in the report tank top tank top[/caption]

Like, maybe if you throw in It was in the report shirt a few scans with different pathology it gets all wacky. Maybe a PE screws up the whole thing, or a patient with something chronic (IPF or sarcoidosis maybe) AND lung cancer is SOL with this program. Maybe it works well with these particular CT settings but loses discriminatory power if you change things slightly. Those are the questions. I have no doubt that AI is going to get good enough to replace doctors in terms of diagnosis or treatment plans eventually. But for now, you're pitting a highly, highly specialized system against someone who's training revolved around the idea that anyone with anything could walk into your clinic, ER, trauma bay, etc

Official It was in the report sweatshirt, hoodie

[caption id="attachment_11857" align="alignnone" width="1500"]It was in the report sweatshirt sweatshirt[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_11854" align="alignnone" width="1500"]It was in the report hoodie hoodie[/caption]

Still, 20 years of this sort of It was in the report shirt could be enough to change the field of radiology (and pathology) drastically. It's enough to make me think twice about my specialty choice if I take a liking to either. I've now heard some extremely high profile physicians express concern that the newest batch of pathologists and radiologists could find themselves in a shrinking marketplace by the end of their careers.
June 12, 2019 at 12:02AM

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